About the Association of Russian Automakers (OAR)

The Association of Russian Automakers (OAR) was established in 2003 on the initiative of leading Russian automobile manufacturers. The founders of OAR are AVTOVAZ OAO (currently AVTOVAZ AO), KAMAZ OAO (currently KAMAZ PAO), RusPromAvto OAO (currently GAZ Group Managing Company OOO) and Severstal-Avto OAO (currently SOLLERS PAO).
The members of OAR are AVTOVAZ AO, KAMAZ PAO, GAZ Group MC OOO, SOLLERS PAO, MAZ OAO, MOSKVICH Moscow Automobile Plant AO, AVTOTOR Holding OOO, URAL Automobile Plant AO, NAMI State Research Centre, Pramo-Electro OOO, UMG OOO.

Goals of the Association of Russian Automakers:

Development of the domestic automotive industry on the basis of quality and competitiveness improvement of its products;
Representation and protection of vehicle manufacturers’ interests in the state legislative authorities and executive bodies, as well as in international organizations;
Coordination of the members’ activities in attraction of investment for modernization and development of capacities for production of motor vehicles, components and materials, and efficient use of advanced scientific and technological achievements;
Implementation of a unified policy for development and strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation links between enterprises within the industry, as well as with companies in allied industries and with foreign partners, including those in CIS countries;
Creation of a uniform statistical and information data base harmonized with data bases of vehicle manufacturers in the leading automotive countries.

To achieve the above goals, the Association performs the following activities:

works up proposals and measures for development of the automotive industry in Russia to be submitted to the legislative and executive authorities;
prepares proposals on legislative and other legal acts stipulating requirements for motor vehicle safety with the purpose of implementation of the Law “On Technical Regulation”, as well as legal acts aimed at creation of a favourable investment climate in the country;
coordinates activities of the OAR member companies in the field of standardization and certification of compliance;
organizes execution of new R&D and engineering projects with the use of joint potentials of the OAR member companies, and promotes adoption of innovative technologies;
represents interests of the domestic automotive industry in international organizations, associations and alliances, concludes relevant agreements and treaties, develops cooperation with automobile manufacturers in CIS countries and abroad;
organizes and runs seminars, symposia, exhibitions, trade shows and fairs;
renders assistance to mass media in objective and comprehensive media coverage of progress in reforming the Russian auto industry.