In September 2023 sales of new passenger cars, light commercial vehicles and pickups in Russia grew by 121,2 % year on year to 118 118 vehicles . In January September 2023, the total sales were 784 143 vehicles, up 48,7 % year on year*.
Sales results by type of motor vehicles:
•Passenger cars 108 7 33 units in September 202 3 , up 129,3 % YOY ; 712 101 units in January
September 2023, up 51,7 Among them electric vehicles (BEVs) - 3023 units in September 2023, up 1071,7 % YOY ; 12 62 6 units in January September 2023 , up 641,8 % YOY
•Light commercial vehicles including light trucks (N1 category, without pickups) and minibuses
(M2 category) 7 649 units in September 2023 , up 45,1 % YOY ; 59 859 units in January September 2023, up 13,2% YOY. Among them electric vehicles (BEVs) 5 unit s in September 2023, 0% YOY; 45 units in January September 2023, up 32,4 % YOY
•Picku ps 1 736 units in September 2023 , up 144,2% YOY ; 12183 units in January September 2023, up 133,3% YOY.
* without sales to military, law enforcement and diplomatic agencies in RF
See the full material here.
Sales results by type of motor vehicles:
•Passenger cars 108 7 33 units in September 202 3 , up 129,3 % YOY ; 712 101 units in January
September 2023, up 51,7 Among them electric vehicles (BEVs) - 3023 units in September 2023, up 1071,7 % YOY ; 12 62 6 units in January September 2023 , up 641,8 % YOY
•Light commercial vehicles including light trucks (N1 category, without pickups) and minibuses
(M2 category) 7 649 units in September 2023 , up 45,1 % YOY ; 59 859 units in January September 2023, up 13,2% YOY. Among them electric vehicles (BEVs) 5 unit s in September 2023, 0% YOY; 45 units in January September 2023, up 32,4 % YOY
•Picku ps 1 736 units in September 2023 , up 144,2% YOY ; 12183 units in January September 2023, up 133,3% YOY.
* without sales to military, law enforcement and diplomatic agencies in RF
See the full material here.